North Carolina Lt. Governor Mark Robinson Says ‘The American Dream Is Absolutely Not Dead’

NASHVILLE, Tennessee – North Carolina Lt. Governor Mark Robinson told The Tennessee Star at the Faith and Freedom Road to Majority Conference on Friday that the “American Dream is absolutely not dead.”

“It’s like I said to a group today, they say that the American Dream is dead. People will tell me that to my face,” he said. “I’m living the American Dream. I’m literally the guy that’s from the wrong side of the tracks with all the so-called strikes against me. Here I am, making history in North Carolina, the first black Lt. Governor of North Carolina.”

“It totally goes against the narrative. In this country, your talent will allow you to have a space at the table and you can achieve the highest of highs if you have the right attitude and the right kind of work ethic,” he continued.

“The American Dream is absolutely not dead. We see it all over. I met so many wonderful people on this journey, who people forget to look at their entire story,” said Robinson.

Robinson explained how people often see the fruits of labor in public life, but don’t stop to examine the personal stories of the individuals who’ve achieved success.

“I put it this way, they look at the cake but they don’t see the ingredients. They don’t see the hard work that went in to baking that cake,” he said. “They just see the cake. Many of the people that I work with have similar backgrounds as my own and we’ve all become successful because of our work ethic and our willingness to adhere to that American Dream.”

The Star previously reported that Lt. Governor Robinson was singled out for praise by former President Trump during his address to the conference. Robinson received the most cheers in the room when Trump mentioned him, saying, “What a job you’re doing! He’s the hottest guy in politics. Great job, what a beautiful job you did in North Carolina.”

The lieutenant governor also talked about his now-famous speech that he gave at the NRA convention and why he attended the event in Houston.

Robinson expressed his prayers for the victims of the heinous shooting in Uvalde, Texas but wants to place the blame on the criminals who commit these acts, not law-abiding American citizens.

“What we’ve done is once again, we’ve witnessed a criminal commit a criminal act. Instead of going after the criminal and subsequently looking at the real issue, which is that since Columbine we’ve left our schools as soft targets,” he said.

“We’re once again targeting law-abiding citizens. We cannot do that. This is a country that’s sent people to the moon. We’ve fought wars against great enemies. We can encourage people to have their constitutional rights while continuing to fight crime,” he continued. “It’s got to be done on a multi-faceted level, but we can do it. It just requires work.”

“These folks that are going after these law-abiding citizens – we all know why they’re doing it. They despise our Constitution. They despise our way of life and one of the ways they degenerate that is taking away the rights of law-abiding citizens,” said Robinson.

“We’re not going to allow that to happen. We’re going to continue to stand strong for those folks. That’s the reason why we went there. Of course, we pray vehemently for the victims of violent crime all across this nation,” he said.

Robinson wants to make sure criminals are held accountable and schools are secured.

“But we’re going to continue to make sure that, number one, we lay the blame where it belongs which is the criminals’ feet. We’re going to hold those criminals accountable and then we’re going to move forward to make sure that our schools are secured,” he said.

“We do it with our airports. We do it with our government buildings. We do it with every other place. We need to make sure we do it for our children. That’s the reason why I went,” he added.

The Faith and Freedom Road to Majority Conference took place on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday in Nashville at the Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center.

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Aaron Gulbransen is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected]. Follow Aaron on GETTRTwitterTruth Social, and Parler.
Photo “Mark Robinson” by Jwaugh3. CC BY-SA 4.0.

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One Thought to “North Carolina Lt. Governor Mark Robinson Says ‘The American Dream Is Absolutely Not Dead’”

  1. william r. delzell

    The real problem is the “dream-hoarders” who prevent others from getting equal access to the tools they need in order to satisfy the requirements of meritocratic society. This meritocracy, to be sure, has the same requirements for everybody, but denies everybody except the riches twenty percent of Americans from acquiring the TOOLS necessary for learning the skills and meeting the requirements for upward mobility. While I have no problem with a wealthy class per se, I DO have a problem if that class prevents the lower eighty percent of American people from being able to develop the requisite skills to compete for mobility to the top.

    If the North Carolina Lieutenant Governor is serious about enabling everybody to acquire the skills needed for mobility, he will do something to hold the upper twenty percent accountable and to make them provide a fair playing field for all instead of giving them preferential treatment.
